【html5 教程】HTML5 - Canvas动画效果的例子

更新时间:2020-08-23    来源:Google    手机版     字体:




      window.requestAnimFrame = (function(callback) {
        return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
        function(callback) {
          window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);
      function initBalls() {
        balls = [];
        var blue = "#3A5BCD";
        var red = "#EF2B36";
        var yellow = "#FFC636";
        var green = "#02A817";
        // G
        balls.push(new Ball(173, 63, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(158, 53, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(143, 52, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(130, 53, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(117, 58, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(110, 70, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(102, 82, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(104, 96, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(105, 107, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(110, 120, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(124, 130, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(139, 136, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(152, 136, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(166, 136, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(174, 127, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(179, 110, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(166, 109, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(156, 110, 0, 0, blue));
        // O
        balls.push(new Ball(210, 81, 0, 0, red));
        balls.push(new Ball(197, 91, 0, 0, red));
        balls.push(new Ball(196, 103, 0, 0, red));
        balls.push(new Ball(200, 116, 0, 0, red));
        balls.push(new Ball(209, 127, 0, 0, red));
        balls.push(new Ball(223, 130, 0, 0, red));
        balls.push(new Ball(237, 127, 0, 0, red));
        balls.push(new Ball(244, 114, 0, 0, red));
        balls.push(new Ball(242, 98, 0, 0, red));
        balls.push(new Ball(237, 86, 0, 0, red));
        balls.push(new Ball(225, 81, 0, 0, red));
        // O
        var oOffset = 67;
        balls.push(new Ball(oOffset + 210, 81, 0, 0, yellow));
        balls.push(new Ball(oOffset + 197, 91, 0, 0, yellow));
        balls.push(new Ball(oOffset + 196, 103, 0, 0, yellow));
        balls.push(new Ball(oOffset + 200, 116, 0, 0, yellow));
        balls.push(new Ball(oOffset + 209, 127, 0, 0, yellow));
        balls.push(new Ball(oOffset + 223, 130, 0, 0, yellow));
        balls.push(new Ball(oOffset + 237, 127, 0, 0, yellow));
        balls.push(new Ball(oOffset + 244, 114, 0, 0, yellow));
        balls.push(new Ball(oOffset + 242, 98, 0, 0, yellow));
        balls.push(new Ball(oOffset + 237, 86, 0, 0, yellow));
        balls.push(new Ball(oOffset + 225, 81, 0, 0, yellow));
        // G
        balls.push(new Ball(370, 80, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(358, 79, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(346, 79, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(335, 84, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(330, 98, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(334, 111, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(348, 116, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(362, 109, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(362, 94, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(355, 128, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(340, 135, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(327, 142, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(325, 155, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(339, 165, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(352, 166, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(367, 161, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(371, 149, 0, 0, blue));
        balls.push(new Ball(366, 137, 0, 0, blue));
        // L
        balls.push(new Ball(394, 49, 0, 0, green));
        balls.push(new Ball(381, 50, 0, 0, green));
        balls.push(new Ball(391, 61, 0, 0, green));
        balls.push(new Ball(390, 73, 0, 0, green));
        balls.push(new Ball(392, 89, 0, 0, green));
        balls.push(new Ball(390, 105, 0, 0, green));
        balls.push(new Ball(390, 118, 0, 0, green));
        balls.push(new Ball(388, 128, 0, 0, green));
        balls.push(new Ball(400, 128, 0, 0, green));
        // E
        balls.push(new Ball(426, 101, 0, 0, red));
        balls.push(new Ball(436, 98, 0, 0, red));
        balls.push(new Ball(451, 95, 0, 0, red));
        balls.push(new Ball(449, 83, 0, 0, red));
        balls.push(new Ball(443, 78, 0, 0, red));
        balls.push(new Ball(430, 77, 0, 0, red));
        balls.push(new Ball(418, 82, 0, 0, red));
        balls.push(new Ball(414, 93, 0, 0, red));
        balls.push(new Ball(412, 108, 0, 0, red));
        balls.push(new Ball(420, 120, 0, 0, red));
        balls.push(new Ball(430, 127, 0, 0, red));
        balls.push(new Ball(442, 130, 0, 0, red));
        balls.push(new Ball(450, 125, 0, 0, red));
        return balls;
      function getMousePos(canvas, evt) {
        // get canvas position
        var obj = canvas;
        var top = 0;
        var left = 0;
        while(obj.tagName != "BODY") {
          top += obj.offsetTop;
          left += obj.offsetLeft;
          obj = obj.offsetParent;
        // return relative mouse position
        var mouseX = evt.clientX - left + window.pageXOffset;
        var mouseY = evt.clientY - top + window.pageYOffset;
        return {
          x: mouseX,
          y: mouseY
      function updateBalls(canvas, balls, timeDiff, mousePos) {
        var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
        var collisionDamper = 0.3;
        var floorFriction = 0.0005 * timeDiff;
        var mouseForceMultiplier = 1 * timeDiff;
        var restoreForce = 0.002 * timeDiff;
        for(var n = 0; n < balls.length; n++) {
          var ball = balls[n];
          // set ball position based on velocity
          ball.y += ball.vy;
          ball.x += ball.vx;
          // restore forces
          if(ball.x > ball.origX) {
            ball.vx -= restoreForce;
          else {
            ball.vx += restoreForce;
          if(ball.y > ball.origY) {
            ball.vy -= restoreForce;
          else {
            ball.vy += restoreForce;
          // mouse forces
          var mouseX = mousePos.x;
          var mouseY = mousePos.y;
          var distX = ball.x - mouseX;
          var distY = ball.y - mouseY;
          var radius = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(distX, 2) + Math.pow(distY, 2));
          var totalDist = Math.abs(distX) + Math.abs(distY);
          var forceX = (Math.abs(distX) / totalDist) * (1 / radius) * mouseForceMultiplier;
          var forceY = (Math.abs(distY) / totalDist) * (1 / radius) * mouseForceMultiplier;
          if(distX > 0) {// mouse is left of ball
            ball.vx += forceX;
          else {
            ball.vx -= forceX;
          if(distY > 0) {// mouse is on top of ball
            ball.vy += forceY;
          else {
            ball.vy -= forceY;
          // floor friction
          if(ball.vx > 0) {
            ball.vx -= floorFriction;
          else if(ball.vx < 0) {
            ball.vx += floorFriction;
          if(ball.vy > 0) {
            ball.vy -= floorFriction;
          else if(ball.vy < 0) {
            ball.vy += floorFriction;
          // floor condition
          if(ball.y > (canvas.height - ball.radius)) {
            ball.y = canvas.height - ball.radius - 2;
            ball.vy *= -1;
            ball.vy *= (1 - collisionDamper);
          // ceiling condition
          if(ball.y < (ball.radius)) {
            ball.y = ball.radius + 2;
            ball.vy *= -1;
            ball.vy *= (1 - collisionDamper);
          // right wall condition
          if(ball.x > (canvas.width - ball.radius)) {
            ball.x = canvas.width - ball.radius - 2;
            ball.vx *= -1;
            ball.vx *= (1 - collisionDamper);
          // left wall condition
          if(ball.x < (ball.radius)) {
            ball.x = ball.radius + 2;
            ball.vx *= -1;
            ball.vx *= (1 - collisionDamper);
      function Ball(x, y, vx, vy, color) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.vx = vx;
        this.vy = vy;
        this.color = color;
        this.origX = x;
        this.origY = y;
        this.radius = 10;
      function animate(canvas, balls, lastTime, mousePos) {
        var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
        // update
        var date = new Date();
        var time = date.getTime();
        var timeDiff = time - lastTime;
        updateBalls(canvas, balls, timeDiff, mousePos);
        lastTime = time;
        // clear
        context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
        // render
        for(var n = 0; n < balls.length; n++) {
          var ball = balls[n];
          context.arc(ball.x, ball.y, ball.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
          context.fillStyle = ball.color;
        // request new frame
        requestAnimFrame(function() {
          animate(canvas, balls, lastTime, mousePos);
      var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
      var balls = initBalls();
      var date = new Date();
      var time = date.getTime();
       * set mouse position really far away
       * so the mouse forces are nearly obsolete
      var mousePos = {
        x: 9999,
        y: 9999
      canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", function(evt) {
        var pos = getMousePos(canvas, evt);
        mousePos.x = pos.x;
        mousePos.y = pos.y;
      canvas.addEventListener("mouseout", function(evt) {
        mousePos.x = 9999;
        mousePos.y = 9999;
      animate(canvas, balls, time, mousePos);

原文出自: 转载请保留原文链接:http://www.hangge.com/blog/cache/detail_1059.html



