centos6.5|CentOS6.2下编译mpeg4ip 图文教程

更新时间:2017-08-10    来源:linux    手机版     字体:


一、环境 1操作系统版本 CentOS 6.2 64 uname -a的输出: Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.32-220.17.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed May 16 00:01:37 BST 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux 2mpeg4ip版本 版本:1.6.1 下载链接: http://people.freebsd.org/~ahze/distfiles/mpeg4ip-1.6.1.tar.gz    二、编译  1、编译mpeg4ip需要的库  首先安装libtool库,命令如下:  yum install libtool  然后进入到mpeg4ip的目录,运行./bootstrap进行配置,如果出错,是因为bash版本及名称的问题,修改bootstrap文件中第一行,改sh 为bash.或运行 bash ./bootstrap。  提示如下:  
*** ffmpeg encoder is not installed
*** xvid encoder is not installed
*** x264 encoder is not installed
*** lame encoder is not installed
*** faac encoder is not installed
*** twolame encoder is not installed
 安装相应库:  yum install ffmpeg-devel xvidcore-devel twolame-devel x264-devel  编译:make  2、编译中的错误处理  2.1 报错内容:  
In file included from config_opts.cpp:1:
/include/mpeg4ip.h:126: error: new declaration "char* strcasestr(const char*, const char*)"
/usr/include/string.h:369: error: ambiguates old declaration "const char* strcasestr(const char*, const char*)"
解决办法: vi include/mpeg4ip.h  注释掉函数声明,如下所示: 2.2 报错内容: 
cc1plus: warnings being treated as errors
sys_decoder_blkdec.cpp:190: error: suggest parentheses around "&&" within "||"
sys_decoder_blkdec.cpp:205: error: suggest parentheses around "&&" within "||"
 如图所示: 解决办法: vi common/video/iso-mpeg4/src/Makefile  去掉Werror  vi命令: %s/-Werror// 2.3 报错内容: 
type_basic.cpp:320: error: "" has incomplete type
type_basic.cpp:320: error: invalid use of "Void"
type_basic.cpp:320: error: prototype for "Void CMotionVector::setToZero()" does not match any in class "CMotionVector"
./../include/basic.hpp:441: error: candidate is: Void CMotionVector::setToZero()
解决办法:  vi common/video/iso-mpeg4/src/type_basic.cpp  在320行去掉括号内的Void,如图所示: 2.4 报错内容:  
cc1: warnings being treated as errors
config.c: In function "enter_chn":
config.c:636: error: array subscript is above array bounds
config.c:637: error: array subscript is above array bounds
解决办法:  vi player/lib/audio/faad/Makefile  去掉Werror  2.5 报错内容: 
/usr/local/include/libavutil/common.h: In function ‘int32_t av_clipl_int32(int64_t)’:
/usr/local/include/libavutil/common.h:154: error: ‘UINT64_C’ was not declared in this scope
解决办法:  涉及到标准c和c99的问题,在出问题的文件中加上下面三句话就好了 
#ifndef UINT64_C
#define UINT64_C(value)__CONCAT(value,ULL)
2.6 报错内容: 
In file included from ffmpeg.cpp:26:
ffmpeg.h:29:28: error: ffmpeg/avcodec.h: No such file or directory
 解决办法: 版本遗留问题,修改下路径就行了。其实这是一类问题,接下来还会遇到好多次,以这个为例展例下,其它的照此修改就OK了。 vi player/plugin/audio/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.h 在第30行进行修改,替换成完整路径: #include   2.7 报错内容: 
ffmpeg.cpp: In function "codec_data_t* ffmpeg_create(const char*, const char*, int, int, format_list_t*, audio_info_t*, const uint8_t*, uint32_t, audio_vft_t*, void*)":
ffmpeg.cpp:180: error: "AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE" was not declared in this scope
ffmpeg.cpp: In function "int ffmpeg_decode(codec_data_t*, frame_timestamp_t*, int, int*, uint8_t*, uint32_t, void*)":
 解决办法: vi /usr/include/ffmpeg-spice/libavcodec/avcodec.h 查找 AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE,得到如下结果:  复制其值到文件player/plugin/audio/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.h,并把Q去掉: vi player/plugin/audio/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.h 添加如下内容: #define AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE 192000  2.8 报错内容: 
media_utils.cpp: In function "int create_media_for_iptv(CPlayerSession*, const char*, int, control_callback_vft_t*)":
media_utils.cpp:613: error: invalid conversion from "const char*" to "char*"
 解决办法: vi player/src/media_utils.cpp 在613行,对name变量进行强制类型转换,如图所示:  2.9 报错内容:
../server/mp4live/video_util_resize.h:93: error: conflicting declaration "uint8_t* fV"
../server/mp4live/video_util_resize.h:91: error: "fV" has a previous declaration as "const uint8_t* fV"
../server/mp4live/video_util_resize.h:94: error: redefinition of "uint32_t tvStride"
../server/mp4live/video_util_resize.h:94: error: "uint32_t tvStride" previously declared here
void CopyYuv(const uint8_t *fY, const uint8_t *fU, const uint8_t *fV,
             uint32_t fyStride, uint32_t fuStride, uint32_t fvStride2,
             uint8_t *tY, uint8_t *tU, uint8_t *fV2,
             uint32_t tyStride, uint32_t tvStride, uint32_t tvStride2,
             uint32_t w, uint32_t h); 
2.10 报错内容:
video_ffmpeg.cpp:124: error: "struct AVCodecContext" has no member named "frame_rate"
video_ffmpeg.cpp:125: error: "struct AVCodecContext" has no member named "frame_rate_base"
video_ffmpeg.cpp:136: error: "struct AVCodecContext" has no member named "aspect_ratio"
好,编译成功,make install 即可使用。 三、安装使用 1、安装 make install 2、使用mp4live E-Mail : Mike_Zhang@live.com
