【jquery ajax】jquery in action 详解

更新时间:2016-12-20    来源:jquery    手机版     字体:


jquery in action 详解


在网页特效中,string int boolean 不是按引用进行传递的.而对象和数组是按引用传递的.


 // create an array of items
        var items = new array("one", "two", "three");
        // create a reference to the array of items
        var itemsref = items;
        // add an item to the original array
        // the length of each array should be the same,
        // since they both point to the same array object
        alert(items.length == itemsref.length);结果是 true 2.每一个function中都有一个上下文变量arguments,它是一个伪数组(不可以改变).它代表着当前function的参数列表.


        // set a global variable, foo, equal to test
        var foo = "test";
        // within an if block
        if (true) {
            // set foo equal to "new test"
            // note: this is still within the global scope!
            var foo = "new test";
        // as we can see here, as foo is now equal to "new test"
        alert(foo == "new test");
        // create a function that will modify the variable foo
        function test() {
            var foo = "old test";
        // however, when called, "foo" remains within the scope
        // of the function
        // which is confirmed, as foo is still equal to "new test"
        alert(foo == "new test");// a globally-scoped variable, containing the string "test"

var test = "test";

// you"ll notice that our "global" variable and the test

// property of the the window object are identical

alert( window.test == test );



理解0 false ‘’ undefined null 这些值在javascript里是相同的,都等于false.
// both of these are true

null == false

0 == undefined

// you should use !== or === instead

null !== false

false === false

dom 编程

hello how are you doing?

使用dom的时候,小心一些空白(text)造成的影响,经常使你能找到自己想要的目标元素. function cleanwhitespace( element ) {

// if no element is provided, do the whole html document

element = element || document;

// use the first child as a starting point

var cur = element.firstchild;

// go until there are no more child nodes

while ( cur != null ) {

// if the node is a text node, and it contains nothing but whitespace

if ( cur.nodetype == 3 && ! /s/.test(cur.nodevalue) ) {

// remove the text node

element.removechild( cur );

// otherwise, if it"s an element

} else if ( cur.nodetype == 1 ) {

// recurse down through the document

cleanwhitespace( cur );


cur = cur.nextsibling; // move through the child nodes




element (nodetype = 1):如li a input select等元素.

text (nodetype = 3): 匹配文本元素

document (nodetype = 9): this matches the root element of a document.



listing 5-15. getting the text contents of the element

// non-mozilla browsers:


// all platforms:



• mozilla-based browsers don’t return the



